The G.I. Joe Collectors’ Club announced the 2011 Membership figures in their September issue. There are no pictures yet, but the GIJCC has provided the following details about the figures
The 3 3/4″ figure is a 25th anniversary style Dial-Tone in his tan and green deco including an all new head sculpt!
The 12″ figure is still being finalized but the club gives some details about it
*He will be flocked
*He’ll have a scar
*He won’t have a beard
- Dial Tone
The new GI Joe Club membership figure will be 25th Dial-Tone. It was announced in the club newsletter… there are no pics yet.
He has a new head-sculpt and he will be done like the original ARAH Dial-Tone, but in 25th style.
Frak! gonna have to join the club now. or can members order additional figures? perhaps a few of us can go in together on a membership and extra figures and split the cost evenly to reduce it per figure.
roc dialtone ftw.....pfft!
Always loved this figure, but the question is, will it be a guy or (like the Resolute version) a girl? I assume if it's 25th they're going homage and he will be a guy, but one never knows until the pics premiere.
Typically the members get their figures first (around April or so) and then in May they are put up on the site at $20 for paying members and $42 for the "free" members.
I'd consider joining for this.
dang it. I'll have to join for this.
Cool news man, good choice. Would be a wise decision to make the male homage since we already have a ROC female and that since Dialtone is now "female", this might be the last shots a classic revision
I let me membership slide a couple years back, but this might bring me back into the fold.
Keep reading: GIJCC Membership Figure: Dial-Tone - Page 2
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