HISS Tank boards member jimmynguyen41 has spotted some figures from Pursuit Of Cobra Wave 4, figures from a revision case to be exact. This is good news since it’s been little over a month ago since Pursuit Of Cobra Wave 3 was sighted at US retail. Jimmy found Lowlight & Skydive at a Target in Seattle, Washington.
The release of these figures stateside isn’t widespread yet, but help your fellow collectors out by posting your sightings in our GI Joe Sightings Forum!
- Pursuit Of Cobra Wave 4 Low Light Sky Dive
Found a case fresh of POC Joes at my local Target in Seattle, WA Wave 4 which is exactly wave 2 r3 11 of a previous post

only 2 figures are new to this wave Lowlight and Skydive
jeez... can't even find wave 3 yet
About time I need to go look need another shadow tracker and low-light and 5 more destro with the case of cash!!!
got em from bbts weeks ago at $7.50 a piece, no way im forking over $7.99 +9.75% tax at tarjay or tru at $8.99, if they had any!!!
cool! hopefully they get released here soon, while i have money. lol
i want 2 low-lights. 1 loose and 1 to re-card 25th style. i want a handful of loose shadow trackers too. screw the rest. i already have 1 LL and 1 ST moc
Thought they may show up very soon since my wave 4 came in the mail today from HTS.
I got mine from small joes. There aren't any army builders, so it was much easier to do that than wait around and go hunting. Gas is not free, you know.
Keep reading: Found POC Wave 4 (Wave 2 r3 11) at Retail - Page 2
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