It’s become a JoeCon tradition to expect a limited, uber cool custom piece and/or poster to be offered by our friends at Roma Collectibles. This year has proven to be no different! Check out this amazing custom carded Cobra Youth figure that will be available at the Roma Collectibles booth at the show.
Here’s the scoop from Roma himself:
The card art was supposed to be shown yesterday, but I never got a chance to post it…. Sooooo, here it is in full glory. Our 2015 Convention custom, the Cobra Youth. These are extremely limited to only x10. Each comes with a yellow neckerchief, pet snake, dagger, and 100% total devotion to the Cobra way of life. Again, only 10 are available!
How do you get one? It’s easy. Just like our Custom Zombie Wild Bill from last year, the Cobra Youth figures will be randomly placed throughout our booth at Joe Con. They are first come first serve so get to us early! Three will be available on Friday, four on Saturday, and then the final three on Sunday.
Are you heading to JoeCon 2015? If so, make sure to stop by the Roma Collectibles table for your chance to get this limited exclusive custom! While you’re at it, swing on over to the Offical ROMA Collectibles Facebook Page and give it a like!
It’s become a JoeCon tradition to expect a limited, uber cool custom piece and/or poster to be offered by our friends at Roma Collectibles. This year has proven to be no different! Check out this amazing custom carded Cobra Youth figure that will be available at the Roma Collectibles booth at the show.
Here’s the scoop from Roma himself:
The card art was supposed to be shown yesterday, but I never got a chance to post it…. Sooooo, here it is in full glory. Our 2015 Convention custom, the Cobra Youth. These are extremely limited to only x10. Each comes with a yellow neckerchief, pet snake, dagger, and 100% total devotion to the Cobra way of life. Again, only 10 are available!
How do you get one? It’s easy. Just like our Custom Zombie Wild Bill from last year, the Cobra Youth figures will be randomly placed throughout our booth at Joe Con. They are first come first serve so get to us early! Three will be available on Friday, four on Saturday, and then the final three on Sunday.
Are you heading to JoeCon 2015? If so, make sure to stop by the Roma Collectibles table for your chance to get this limited exclusive custom! While you’re at it, swing on over to the Offical ROMA Collectibles Facebook Page and give it a like!
5 point articulation? pfftt no thanks.
I'm guessing it's the old River Pheonix young Indy figure? Just a guess but that snake extra seems like a lock for young Indie. It belongs in a museum! I think I see elbow joins there but I don't see any knee joints.
What no troop builder set? LOL, Cool figure though. Springfield's own little "Children of the corn."
I like it !!!
Pretty cool! It makes sense, early indoctrination into the legions of Cobra, makes loyal subjects. Sounds like Cobra Commander's idea. I like it too!
taking a second look i think i see elbow joints but those legs i cant tell. im sure youre right since you know the figure. Great concept i just think the best part is the filecard pokin fun at the club.
Roma did an awesome job. If I was going to the con I would skip waiting in line for the con stuff and go straight to their booth. I want that cobra youth more than any of the con stuff.
I went back and read that filecard. That's one of the funniest things I've ever seen on here!!!!!!!!
Keep reading: JoeCon 2015 Roma Collectibles Exclusive Custom Cobra Youth - Page 2
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