It’s time for the G.I.Joe Collectors Club Round Table live from JoeCon 2015! We’ll continue to update this post as more information is received. Check it out –
- Currently discussing the deco for this year’s theme.
- Now showing an image of the upcoming Club Exclusive Cobra Sub-Viper and Wave Crusher Sub.
- FSS 4.0 Info Incoming!
- The Club is aware of issues and wants to be more consistent. They’re addressing the bubble issue.
Now on to FSS 4.0! – No Mock Up images available as of yet
- Barricade – Bunker Buster
- Billy Arboc – Cobra Commanders Son! Adult version
- Bullhorn – Intervention Specialist
- Interrogator
- Law & Order – MP and K9 (Classic Deco)
- Cobra Inferno B.A.T.
- Ninja Force Nunchuk
- Ice Ninja Night Creeper (1998 Version)
- Pathfinder
- Tiger Force Sneak Peek (with new head sculpt & vintage accessory)
- Z Force Jammer
- Tiger Force Outback (UK version with new head sculpt)
And there you have your FSS 4.0 Lineup! Your 2016 G.I.Joe Collectors Club Incentive Membership figure is…
- 12″ Figure – Mike Powers Atomic Man Update with 2 Atomic Leg and Field Mission Alpha Accessory Set
- Your 4″ Figure is…..COBRA-LA PYTHONA! Yes, you read that right!
- Add on Figure & Vehicle Set is Heartwrencher with Dreadnok Ground Assault 4×4!
- 12″ Lost Talker Action Sailor and Pilot with Vintage Boxes
- Marissa Fairborn & Afterburner Set should be available for sale at BotCon, but that’s not 100% the plan as of this moment.
Transformers vs. G.I.Joe Crossover Figures
- You already know about Marissa Fairborn & Afterburner
- Old Snake (Cobra Commander) and Stealth B.A.T. (Transformers Prime Soundwave Repaint)
- Now showing samples of the Crossover offerings
That concludes the G.I.Joe Collectors Club Round Table from JoeCon 2015!
We're less than 30 minutes away from the G.I.Joe Collectors Club Round Table! We'll of course be bringing you live coverage of the event. We'll try to get images uploaded ASAP, but Wi-Fi is being pretty difficult at the venue...that said, we'll do what we can.
JoeCon 2015 G.I.Joe Collectors Club Round Table - HissTank.com
That link will redirect you to the Front Page where the info from the Round Table will be posted. Hit F5/Refresh every so often to get new info.
Stay tuned!
Can't wait, thanks for all of the coverage fellas!
Here we go!
Aaaaaaaaand.....fingers crossed....BULLHORN....
Fingers crossed for Carla "DOC" and at least one other female.
C'mon Raptor and Crystal Ball.
2015 Club Exclusive: Wave Crusher w/Sub-Viper
Keep reading: JoeCon 2015 Collectors Club Round Table Coverage - Page 2
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