Don’t forget, everyone – The G.I.Joe character fan vote on Hasbro Pulse ends TODAY! We’re sure you’re more than aware of the voting by now, but in case you aren’t, then here’s a quick run down on what the voting’s for: The characters that fans will be able to vote on are never before released characters from the G.I.Joe Kindle Worlds universe!
The character selection includes –
- Cobra Blackjack – Bodyguard to the Baroness
- Cobra Whisper – The Cobra Liquidator
- Adventure Team Marcus – Adventure Team Member
- Stiletto – Security
We’re not sure what time the voting closes (if it hasn’t already), so there may still be time! Go get your vote in at the Hasbro Pulse G.I.Joe Fan Vote Survey page, then join us after the break to let us know who you voted for!
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Destro is at the 2015 NYCC Hasbro Party and has posted images of the upcoming G.I.Joe character fan vote coming soon on Hasbro Pulse! The characters that fans will be able to vote on are never before released characters from the G.I.Joe Kindle Worlds universe!

The character selection includes –
Cobra Blackjack – Bodyguard to the Baroness
Cobra Whisper – The Cobra Liquidator
Adventure Team Marcus – Adventure Team Member
Stiletto – Security
We’ve gathered images of not only artwork, but their bios as well. Don’t forget, we’ll be coming to you LIVE from NYCC 2015, so make sure to check out our sister sites –, and for complete collectible coverage from this year’s event!
So what is this? What dose it mean? The art work looks cool as hell. So we get to vote on witch one we like on Pulse?
Stay tuned as events there unfold and we'll keep you updated.
Wow! What's this all about?? Looks exciting!! I vote for all four!!
Also, please sign up at the
No seriously, where are the new figures?
At JoeCon Hasbro announced there would be a fan vote for having a figure made from one of the Kindle Worlds novels on Amazon. That's what these are for.
Keep reading: 2015 New York ComicCon GI Joe coverage. New images of characters for a Fan Vote! - Page 2
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