Geewunner has been bringing us some of the best custom G.I.Joe building sets we’ve ever seen. From his amazing Assault Hovercraft to his Enemy VTOL Attack Jet, Geewunner constantly captures the essence of G.I.Joe and brings it to us in brick form, allowing us to re-build the adventure in our own homes (see what I did there? Ha!).
Needless to say, I’m beyond excited for the next set announced yesterday, the Enemy Arms Dealer Building Sets! If you know me, then you know I absolutely LOVE the Iron Grenadiers and now we’ll finally be able to arm our SDCC Iron Grenadiers against Slaughters Marauders! Coming soon are the –
- Enemy Arms Dealer Hover Jet – Destro rides in style in this custom Despoiler.
- Enemy Arms Dealer VTOL – Destro’s Iron Grenadiers take to the skies in this custom version of the Anti Gravity Pod.
- Enemy Arms Dealer Elevating Tank – No Joe will be safe when Destro storms the front line in this custom D.E.M.O.N.
Pre-orders are slated to go up in about a week so make sure to keep your eyes peeled as these are sure to sell out FAST! You can join in on the discussion already in progress after the jump.
- Geewunner Enemy Arms Dealer Building Sets
Hi everyone, Austin from Geewunner customs here. The purpose of this thread is to interact with you folks, field questions and ask some of my own, all in the effort to make the best possible products, now, and for as long as this project continues. If you’re unfamiliar with our line, check out the blog posts for most of them at our site:
CLAW Custom brick set: Enemy Jet Glider | geewunner
Ferret Custom brick set: Enemy Assault Quad | geewunner
Weapon Transport Custom brick set: Ordnance Carrier | geewunner
Polar Battle Bear Custom brick set: Attack Snowmobile | geewunner
AWE Striker Custom brick set: All-Terrain Scout Vehicle | geewunner
Tiger Paw Custom brick set: Cat Unit Assault Quad | geewunner
Sky Hawk Custom brick set: Attack VTOL | geewunner
Night Paw Custom brick set: Nocturnal Unit Quad | geewunner
Devil Fish Custom brick set: Fast Attack Boat | geewunner
Enemy Attack Helicopter Custom brick set: Enemy Attack Helicopter | geewunner
Enemy Assault Raft Custom brick set: Enemy Assault Raft | geewunner
Enemy Fan Boat Custom brick set: Enemy Fan Boat | geewunner
Flying Submarine Custom brick set: Flying Submarine | geewunner
Enemy Fast Attack Tank Custom brick set: Enemy Fast Attack Tank | geewunner
Missile Tank Custom brick set: Missile Tank | geewunner
These blog posts lay out the genesis of each set, detail its features, and explain the limitations of the design - usually based on part availability and the realities of semi-mass production. Some of our other sets can occasionally be seen at our eBay listings, including the VAMP, HAL, and more. Blog posts for the balance of our line are forthcoming, and will be added to this first post accordingly.
You can also find out more about our stuff through my three appearances on the great Flag Points podcast:
We have a lot of great stuff planned for the rest of this year and beyond, from multiple eras of the franchise, so if you like what we’ve done so far, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet! We'll also drop teases for upcoming sets and announcements of promotions or sales here as well.
If you have questions about specific items (make sure you've perused the blog posts before you ask questions that may be answered there) or the line in general, I’d be happy to answer them in this thread. Also, I have some questions of my own…
Are you most (or at all) interested in…
Only RAH stuff?
Just the early era (’82-‘86ish?)
Later RAH (’87-ish thru ’94 and beyond)?
Adventure Team homage sets?
Recolors/retools (i.e. red or white HISS tanks, Tiger Force, etc)?
Customs based on vehicles from fiction (Cobra Sky Crane copter, ATV from ‘Cobra’s Captives’, etc.)?
…or based on unproduced prototypes like the Tank Transporter?
Geewunner original sets “in the style of” Joe (such as our currently available Ninja Cycle 2pack)?
Original recolors/retools (such as an “arctic” AWE Striker in white)?
Playsets? Big? Small?
Playsets based on environments from fiction?
Thanks for reading, looking forward to your feedback!
Here's a sneak peek at March's releases!

There are actually two more AT-themed releases this month as well: two color variations of an original 2-pack. It's a combo of retooled & recolored versions of the Ferret and Night Landing. Looking to drop these four sets by the middle of this month.
April's two releases will probably debut at the Burbank, CA Joe show on April 6th, and become available online shortly thereafter.
been ordering your stuff and love what I got so far. Have the Vamp inbound and can't wait to see how that looks in my hands too.
His stuff is top notch. Have the adv. team stuff on the way. Can't wait.
Hey Austin, next time, try reaching out to a staff member instead of "waiting patiently". No staff member would actively look out building block threads in the Customs General Discussion Area.
No love for Slim, I guess.
PS: btw, Austin, I included your thread in my request. So you did ask, in a sense
If it helps, the previous thread can be deleted; this one has updated info.
We've secured our spot at the Burbank Joe show,and are preparing April's releases, set to debut at the show, as well as ensuring we have as many copies of each and every set in the line are in stock for that event. Can't wait to start teasing out the next two sets, we really think folks are going to love 'em!
i've got 2 of your ferrets. makes the new kreo version superfluous.
Actually, I did respond. Maybe you didn't see it/get it? As you already reached out to another Admin though, they'll handle your request.
No love for Slim, I guess.
Keep reading: Geewunner custom sets - Page 2
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