Comics Alliance is reporting that IDW‘s Transformers vs. GI Joe series will be coming to an end with the extra-sized, 48 page issue #13. Series writer/artist Tom Scioli had this to say:
“I’ll say it. It’s the greatest crossover of all time. This is the new standard by which all crossovers will be judged.
What a rare privilege in comics to begin something and to end it exactly as you envisioned. To create a universe and then torch it in the most explosive way imaginable. In the end, the creative challenge is the only thing that matters. When you push the limits, the world gets bigger. We wanted to see just how much juice you can squeeze out of these concepts and out of the comics page itself. How much story can fit into a comic book before the staples pop out? I look forward to seeing how the next generation of cartoonists builds on these innovations, the way we built on the work of those who came before us. I look forward to seeing the inevitable movie adaptation of this comic.”
A cover for the issue was also provided. What are your thoughts on the comic coming to a close? Let us know in the discussion thread.
Transformers vs. G.I. Joe Ending with Issue #13 -
After you blow up the Earth, you can't go too far past that. The humans who are now alien refugees on Cybertron don't have much of a chance.
Unless the series went into the direction of humans being refugees and trying to survive, after Megs gaining an appetite for human flesh, our days are numbered.
Wonder if the last page will show that the whole series was just a kid playing in his room with all his Joe and transformer toys...
Yeah, I'm not gonna miss this series.
I've enjoyed this series very much and I think it still has a lot of places it could explore. That said, I would rather it quite while it is ahead instead of descending into mediocrity. I look forward to whatever Scioli does next.
I looked forward to every issue of this book and it's a damn shame more people didnt appreciate it for what it had to offer. I think this was the most creative anyone has been with Joe for awhile. The book lived fast,died young and it was certainly more entertaining than any Joe book released after about the halfway point of the original series.
Well, this sucks!
Well, that sucked.
Keep reading: Transformers vs. GI Joe Ending with Issue #13 - Page 2
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