With special thanks to Frederick Vinas of Twitter, we have our first [unofficial] behind-the-scenes footage from the principal photography of G.I. Joe: Snake Eyes.
Filming, which took place outside Mr. Vinas’ office, is described by him as a scene involving Yakuza.
Not too long ago, a casting notice went up for scenes involving the infamous Japanese gangsters. HISSTANK boards member skinny suggested that, despite the generic term of Yakuza, the gangsters involved may possibly be from the rumored Kurayami gang of the movie.
You can check out the full video, below:
So it looks like they're filming a yakuza scene from the upcoming G.I. Joe spinoff movie: "Snake Eyes" in front of my office. 😮#GIJoe #snakeeyes @yvrshoots @WhatsFilming pic.twitter.com/sp8gCO393y
— Frederick Vinas (@Frederick_Vinas) October 17, 2019
From an office in Vancouver, Frederick Vinas @Frederick_Vinas on Twitter, was informed that Snake Eyes was shooting a scene right outside his office window.

He grabbed his camera and shot a few quick seconds of a take.
The scene is a quick one. Several actors rush into a building from both the right and left through a garage door, hands on their swords.
The costuming is red and black modern clothing.
They run into the building and the door closes right as they enter.
You cannot tell if there are any main actors in the scene.
Frederick assumes these are Yakuza however one cannot say for sure.
They could be the rival clan we have heard rumored to be led by Kenta, or they could be something different entirely.
I think it is safe to say that it is not a period film set in the seventies, but I would not want to assume too much.
Huge thanks to The Full ForcePodcast and YoJoe for finding and retweeting, and of course Frederick, for posting the footage.
We are underway.
Hopefully more scenes will be popping up from around Vancouver.
Nice!!! Maybe this will be like John Wick, but with stun guns instead.
Looks like Yakuza to me
I had to look really hard at this picture to try to see what was going on. Looks cool to me
If the rumor/news from the above link is true, the clan is called the Kurayami. IF that is what we see here.
Keep reading: First look at Snake Eyes filming - Page 2
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