News just in from the Toy Fair 2020 Hasbro investor meeting. New reveals of G.I. Joe Classified 6″ – Roadbloack and Scarlett! now has super high-res images of these awesome G.I. Joes! Stay tuned all weekend long for updated information about all the new G.I. Joe items from Toy Fair 2020.
Check out all the new G.I. Joe Classified 6″ figures after the jump.
Super hi-res images of the new Roadblock and Scarlett6" figures
Looking nice! Preordered Snake Eyes and can’t wait for the others to drop!
I want to like these... but I don't.
Not feeling the design at all. If you showed me that Roadblock with no context I wouldn't guess that it's supposed to be Roadblock. I understand why they made them kind of "Fortniteish" but these aren't for me, which sucks because I was beyond hyped for this line. I hope Destro is better but I'm not too confident.
Packaging, colors... right out of Fortnite. Jazwares?
Fantastic! gotta pick up roadblock! love the 86 design cues! not so much a fan of Scarlett though, but to be honest I've always preferred jaye's much more military outfit. If this is Jazzwares, this proves that they can make non-stylized figures.
Roadblocks gun reminds me of the spring action battle-kata from the first wave of Retaliation
Color me impressed, I'm gonna love these, Scarlett came out cute but strong (a hard balance sometimes) & glad Roadblock is the updated '86 look. They are kind of ultimate versions with various media influences, Hasbro is taking this launch seriously!
The sculpts are fantastic and I really dig the face sculpts. Scarlett is appropriately pretty/cute and looks like a good ole Georgia girl that could whoop your ass. Love that RB is the V2. It'll be REALLY cool if he has a tanktop on under his vest (My boy Cloud Strife queried earlier in a conversation).
Wonder why they chose to go all out busy with Scarlett and Roadblock designs? I'm not a fan of the single knee pad and shoulder pads. And that GOLD. uh. C'mon guys. Back away from VvV.
I'll buy them and look forward to the eventual toned down color palette and figure designs. No one panic. We WILL get our more Classic designed ARAH figs. Hasbro IS listening. These figures are designed with modularity in mind and that's GREAT. Gives us TONS of options. ALL. IN.
I am liking Scarlett alot more than I thought I would, she looks amazing. But, Roadblock is not working for me - head sculpt works but gold on the boots is making me think they went a little Sci-Fi on this.
Roadblock being one of my favorite characters is too far off from his best attributes through the years and is a sad pass for me.
By the packaging we have 00, 01 and 05...
Who is 02, 03 and 04?
Should be Duke, Destro and maybe Gung Ho... or, a second Snake Eyes
Looking forward to the other releases in the next 30 hours and hope for some surprises. It has been a long time, thank you Hasbro!
I was feeling very excited and optimistic for this line but this is a huge let down for me.. I’m glad others are enjoying them though.
Keep reading: G.I. Joe Classified – Roadbloack, Scarlett, and Snake Eyes Hi-Res Photos - Page 2
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