Yo Joe! Next up in our looks at G.I. Joe Classified Wave 1 is #01 Roadblock. He’s #01 in line, and features a mix of old cues and new elements throughout. He ties with Scarlett for wave 1 figures with elements long time fans have concerns with. Aside from a couple misfires in actual production, the core sculpt and figure is solid. Read on to check out some additional thoughts on it all, along with 30+ shots courtesy of Dorkside Toys!
Related G.I. Joe Links: Classified Wave 1, Destro, Snake Eyes, Cobra Commander, Red Ninja, Pimp Daddy Destro, All G.I. Joe
ICYMI – We’ve updated the HissTank Toy Database with a G.I. Joe Classified section. We’ll be updating that as the series progresses, filling in the pages with more info as well. Feel free to bookmark that to keep up with the line!
And don’t forget to check out our gallery for the exclusive line first – #00 Snake Eyes!
G.I. Joe Classified #01 Roadblock
Overall Thoughts:
Roadblock takes cues from his v2 look, which was homaged in Modern Era’s “Urban Camo” deco. Tech plating is present on one knee and his shins. He has a digi print tattoo on his left shoulder as well. Weapons include a large heavy laser rifle and a small knife which slides into his vest slot. The vest is technically removable, but has no tabs or openings, so it will be difficult to do so. Articulation is on par with the rest of the line, every conceivable cut, bend and swivel is there. The vest limits torso bends though.
Overall, it’s a solid figure – from the waist down. Something got lost in mass production up top. The beard paint is a bit clunky, it looks painted on, relatively. Like, in the toy universe, Roadblock actually painted his beard on. A little more layering, detail would have gone far. On my copy, there was misalignment and missing spots as well, so I had some molded beard waves without paint. Then, there are the eyes. Damn. Even with the digi paint, they are still stark and look like a bootleg. I don’t know what to suggest here technically speaking, but some refinement on the beard and eye paint for this guy is needed. Sculpt wise – if you stripped all paint, it’s a sharp head.
We then get to the ongoing debate – to sci-fi or not sci-fi. Roadblock always had a big ass gun. He does here, but it’s VERY video game-ish. An open end with blue clear energy parts forces you into that sci-fi side. If you could ignore the shins and knee piece, this won’t let you. I’m ok with everything on figure though I know I don’t speak for everyone. The gun though, could use a step back towards reality.
Bottom line – due to head, least favorite of the bunch. Toss a new head on there, get a less out-there gun, solid release.
Check out some key shots below, with the rest in gallery format after that! Check back tomorrow for more Classified Wave 1!
Tony_Bacala says
OK, gonna run through Wave 1. Since that ongoing 6 Inch Thread is gigantic, feel free to sound off on Wave 1 thoughts and feedback you guys have yourself here, again, if you like. I'll be dropping a gallery a day till done, hopefully.
We've also updated the HissTank Database with a Classified section - you'll be able to find the basic shots there as well going forward:
G.I. Joe Classified Toy Database at HissTank.com
All of these come courtesy of Dorkside Toys.
Related G.I. Joe Links: Classified Wave 1, Destro, Snake Eyes, Cobra Commander, Red Ninja, Pimp Daddy Destro, All G.I. Joe
First up - Scarlett
G.I. Joe Classified Scarlett In-Hand Gallery
Next up - Roadblock
G.I. Joe Classified Roadblock In-Hand Gallery
Yo Joe! Duke is up
G.I. Joe Classified Duke In-Hand Gallery
G.I. Joe Classified DESTRO In-Hand Gallery
... ... ...
G.I. Joe Classified Snake Eyes In-Hand Gallery
KrymsynGardImmoral says
Love those sex robot eyes.
Tony_Bacala says
Junkyard84 says
The more I evaluate the ones I have in hand (Duke & SE), the more I realize specifically what I don't like about the ones I have no intent on purchasing. I thought at first it was the costume overhaul for Scarlett, but it's really just the head. The overhaul sculpt is way too soft and cartoon-y. The earrings are a very odd choice. The hair is an unnatural shade that departs from most previous popular incarnations. Far be it from me to pretend as an authority on Scarlett, but more so than every other Wave 1 figure, this just feels like an entirely different character.
TheSteelBrigade says
Tony_Bacala says
The thing about this Scarlett - aside from the outfit/gear choice, that's per taste (and I don't mind it), it's just that it feels detached from the rest. Duke, SE, Destro have the same tone, sculpt style, level of OG connection. Scarlett kinda feels like Fortnite Scarlett, in deco and head sculpt. So it feels detached. I'm sure someone hardcore could argue it either way, but that's my unscientific gut feeling after handling.
ActionMan97 says
Now we need a Quarrel recolour
I have waited so long to get these in hand knowing they were ready to be produced for years! Personally I like they are adding a little change to the line knowing perfectly well they are going to make every version fans want over time. So keep making them and I will buy them. The Destro is just perfect. One of my favorite action figures of all time.
1982 says
If you look at the cover of G.I. JOE AMERICA'S ELITE #4 thats where they got this design for Scarlett. I wish the hair was a darker shade of red. She's way to pale in skin tone. I don't think she really needed the red chaps. Articulation wise shes great, she just doesn't quite fit in with the other four to me. I hope they do another version Scarlett is one of my favorite characters.
Dolemite says
Personally, I ADORE this Scarlett. I love the face sculpt, the design, the more orange-y red hair, the freckles, etc. It's a near-perfect rendition and modernization of the character. I wouldn't change a thing, other then MAYBE toning down her colors just a wee little bit. But overall, fantastic.
And Tony, I don't agree that she stands alone from the other Joes in terms of design. She's a bit more colorful sure, but her original outfit contrasted with her teammates as well. Overall she fits in the same as she did back in the 80's. I mean, look at the design of her knee pads/shin guards...they have a lot of the same aesthetics as Duke and Roadblock and if her colors were toned down a tiny bit I think she'd fit 100%. We've seen fan repaints that confirm this.
Keep reading: HissTank's G.I. Joe Classified Wave 1 Galleries - Page 2
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