Spoiler Warning! Please note that this news post contains spoilers from the story mode of G.I. Joe: Operation Blackout video game. Proceed with caution.
Yesterday, we brought you a detailed inside look at the upcoming console game G.I. Joe: Operation Blackout.
Today, we’ve written down the list of trophies/achievements you can collect by completing various milestones within the game. This list is based on the Playstation and XBox versions of the game; which shares identical achievements.
Majority of the achievements are based on the story mode while some are based on difficulty setting as well as multiplayer gameplay.
Due to the spoiler nature of the list, you need to check it out after the jump.
Spoilers Below:
Complete Blackout
Collect all the trophies.
Hot Potato
Deal damage to 5 enemies with a single grenade.
Show me what you’ve got!
Win a multiplayer match in all game modes.
Lock and Load
Perform quick reload with all primary weapons.
Ultimate Power
Perform all character ultimates.
Don’t be a Stranger
Win a multiplayer match with every character from Cobra and G.I. Joe.
A Job Well Done
Complete all secondary objectives on story mode.
Knowing is half the battle!
Get half of the game collectables.
Now I know!
Get all the collectables.
Yo Joe!
Complete the tutorial.
Mine, all mine!
Complete Mission 1: “Capture the U.S.S. Flagg” in under 10 minutes.
Recipe for Disaster
Complete Mission 2: “Light’s Out” without activating any turrets.
Cold Slither
Complete Mission 4: “Cold Case”, without receiving health damage from Zartan.
A Joe Needs No Tricks
Complete Mission 5: “Scarcity of Freedom” using the self-destruct sequence only once.
A McCullen Won’t Forget
During Mission 6: “Come With Me If You Want To Live”, knockdown Destro at least 4 times.
Man on the Run
Complete Mission 8: “It’s a Trap!” with 2 minutes or more left.
Close Enough to the End
Complete Mission 8: “It’s a Trap!” without losing everything.
That Tech is Expensive!
Complete Mission 8: “It’s a Trap!” destroying no more than 3 B.A.T.S. pods.
Survival of the Fittest
During Mission 9: “Made in Japan” while playing as Storm Shadow, defeat most of the ninjas using melee attacks.
Graves of the Firefly
During Mission 9: “Made In Japan” as Firefly, defeat most of the enemies using only the Boomslang.
A Relic of the Past
During Mission 10: “Fury & Silence”, don’t lose your grasp on the mold.
… (pronounced as Shhh!)
On Mission 10: “Fury & Silence”, deal the final blow to Storm Shadow using Snake Eyes’ katana.
You can’t do thiss to me! (not a typo. This is Cobra Commander hissing)
During Mission 11: “Nothing Personal”, defeat Cobra Commander in less than 2 minutes.
Dissasembly Line
During Mission 12: “First Light” defeat 25 B.A.T.S. using turrets.
The Pride of the McCullen
Complete Mission 13: “Unplugged” as Destro without taking down neither Scarlett nor Lady Jaye.
As Deadly as Ever
During Mission 13: “Unplugged” defeat both Lady Jaye and Scarlett while playing as Baroness.
Spring Cleaning
Complete Mission 14: “Undo What They Did to USS” having defeated most enemies.
They won’t even know what hit them.
Complete Mission 16: “Enemy of my Enemy” in under 15 minutes.
Target Practice
During Mission 16: “Enemy of my Enemy” on single player, win the B.A.T.S. destruction contest.
Doesn’t Ring a Bell
Complete Mission 17: “Freedom Squad” without losing control of your character.
Snake is sneak spelled sideways.
During Mission 17: “Freedom Squad”, defeat the last boss avoiding its special attack.
Whenever There’s Trouble
Complete all missions of story mode on “Action Figures” difficulty.
G.I. Joe is There
Complete all missions of story mode on “Government Issue” difficulty.
American Hero
Complete all missions of story mode on “Man of Action” difficulty.
A Real American Hero
Complete all missions of story mode on “Real American Hero” difficulty.
News Post: Brand New G.I. Joe Console Game Listed: Operation Blackout
Wow this game sounds interesting! I can't wait for more details.
Pretty big news. The time is right for a GI JOE Fortnite/Call of Duty game. I really hope they come up with a compelling story mode.
I am VERY excited!
Hope this takes off and kids get into this. I will definitely give it a try. I'm getting a little tired of the Mobil game
It's about freaking time!!!
Just a thought: what if these classified video-game-like designs are from this upcoming game? That would explain the blue glowy things and the hasbro pulse guys always saying “video game inspired”
I definitely buy it. Not sure if I play it but I'd buy it. I've owned the Spider-Man PS4 Pro since new and I think I'm only about 15 minutes deep LOL. Not much of a gamer but I would at least give it a try. I bought that war games game a while back that had gijoeb He-Man excetera and even bought the extra dlc so I can get the GI Joe and He-Man stuff only to lose interest about 10 or 20 minutes in.
Keep reading: Brand New G.I. Joe Console Game Listed: Operation Blackout #YoJoeJune - Page 2
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