Despite ViacomCBS CEO Bob Bakish stating that the company will stick to its 45-day theater-to-home window, Snake Eyes: G.I. Joe Origins Home Release has been delayed to October 19th from its original September 6th date.
A new press release highlights the updated release date along with the links to previously known versions of the movie:
“An origin story that sheds light on the background of the most mysterious member of the elite US counterterrorist team, “GI Joe.” Snake Eyes saves the life of a very important member of an ancient clan of Japanese ninja warriors and is invited to learn their guarded secrets. He finds home and belonging among them while improving upon his already exceptional natural gifts. Unfortunately, revelations of a troubled past threaten his happiness amongst his adopted “family” of warriors, and he must reckon with questions of loyalty and allegiance.”
You can pre-order the home release from the following links:
News Post: Snake Eyes: G.I. Joe Origins Movie Home Release Revealed
It should also be on Paramount+ at same time for free to those who have it.
Wow that was fast.
Waiting for the home release. Only really want to see it for Scarlet and the Baroness, anyway.
I have collected just about every Gi Joe comic and animated and live action DVD. I honestly don’t know if I want to add this movie to my collection. Maybe by the time of its release I wil be less antagonistic towards it and will add it as part of the history of Gi Joe.
I'm not buying it. I passed on buying Ghostbusters 2016, Kong: Skull Island and Godzilla vs. Kong too despite owning other movies in the series (saw the latter two in the theaters and disliked them). The most important defining category for my collection has to be 'stuff I like.' Completism based on a brand name means I'm spending money on and filling my home with stuff I don't like, which is as wasteful as it gets. Bad for my wallet, my home, the environment, you name it. And sends the wrong message to the corporations who made the stuff I don't like.
I can respect this. I agree with passing on purchasing certain media. I did like the Snake Eyes movie far more than the Rise of Cobra movie. I will probably buy the Blu-Ray, but I've passed on other movies that have little to no replay value.
Well, I love the original Kong and Peter Jackson's 2005 one. With Skull Island, they inserted a bunch of politics into the movie to its detriment. They very transparently turned the whole thing into an on-the-nose, preachy Vietnam allegory, setting it in the '70s and even showing a Nixon bobblehead. Not stuff any of us should be asked to think about while we're there to enjoy something that was always a pure fantasy story. It diminishes an imaginative fairy tale into a topical, dated plot. There was no reason at all to set the movie in the '70s, considering we already had a Kong movie made in that era. It shows a terrible lack of interest in the subject matter. If you get to go to Skull Island as a writer and all you can think about is Vietnam, you're the wrong person to make the movie. Compare to the subtext in the other Kongs where it's about a man making a movie, and you get a movie-within-a-movie plot that underlines how they were trying to make Kong into one of the greatest movie spectacles of all time. So you're thinking about filmmaking and film history as you watch it, which helps you appreciate the movie on another level.
They turned the natives into a silly joke rather than someone who added to the threat of the island. The movie had a washed-out, sepia look that goes against the lush landscapes Kong movies always tried to portray. The monsters and the kills were mostly unimpressive. Kong was very weakly developed. He didn't have the imposing movie monster qualities of the original and he didn't have the sensitive, human-like qualities of Peter Jackson's. Most of the scenes with him seemed like pale imitations from other Kong movies. All the human characters were forgettable. The final battle was fine, but that's the only part I liked.
I think Kong worked better as a character in Kong vs. Godzilla. Using sign-language to connect with him in the modern world was a good idea. But overall the humans were way too involved in driving the action in that one. And some of the human characters were terribly annoying. And the effects got really bad near the end. Just think how in Jackson's Kong, the monster is fully motivated by protecting the human he's fallen in love with. The humans don't have to push a button on an electronic device to make him do things. The story is so much deeper and meaningful and not full of artificial gimmicks.
Keep reading: Snake Eyes: G.I. Joe Origins Movie Home Release Revealed - Page 2
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