SDCC 2024 G.I. Joe Classified Hasbro Booth Case Images Thursday Night Update!
Articles Related to Road Pig
SDCC 2024 Hasbro G.I. Joe Classified Panel Images and Info
SDCC 2024 Hasbro G.I. Joe Classified Panel Images and Info
Cobra Claw with Pilot
Hasbro PulseCon Fall
Preorders Friday at 5pm Eastern Time
60th Anniversary Sniper
60th Anniversary Halo Jumper
Renders and Retail Images
Road Pig with Pitbull Rawkus
Steel Brigade vs. Twilight Guard (Elite Crimson Guard) 2-pack
Preorders Tuesday July 30th 1PM
Transformers Kup Triple T Tank O-Ring
Name Only
Heavy Duty
Law & Order
Retro Name Only
Rock N Roll
Dr. Mindbender
Cobra Viper
Teaser Image of Claw Feet….
Fatal Fluffy??
G.I. Joe Classified Name Only Pipeline Reveals Road Pig and Blowtorch
In a recent pod cast over at Adventures in Collecting Emily, Lenny, and Tony disclosed two new G.I. Joe Classified action figure Pipeline name only reveals Road Pig and Blowtorch!
Gridiron Studios SWAMP BIKER LOAD-OUT #2 Road Hog
Gridiron Studios has just released a new add on gear kit that will help Dreadnok fans expand their G.I. Joe Classified collection. Check out the details below.
Check out more images of the Gridiron Studios Swamp Biker kit and let us know what your new Dreadnok custom will be.
Wanted Dead or Alive Dreadnok Royal Rumble
From the Florida Everglades to the New Jersey Pine Barrens the Dreadnoks have a huge role in both Comic and cartoon G.I. Joe lore. Given the popularity and versatile way the Dreadnoks are used in G.I. Joe lore we wanted them to get their very own Most Wanted set of polls. Much like we have done in the past for our Modern Era March Madness events, we will be holding our very own Wanted Dead or Alive Dreadnoks Rumble!
We hope this event helps highlight the popularity of this team of misfits and also gives the Hasbro G.I. Joe Team valuable intel on what figures we would prefer to see in the G.I. Joe Classified series future releases. It was very hard to get this list down to the Bitter 16. Lots of debate took place to make sure the core characters were represented (since the line is so new) and to have some new potential ideas for Hasbro to chew on.
We hope you join us and sound off about potential vehicles like a Classified Dreadnok Thunder Machine (one can dream) to the more down to earth individual Motorcycles like they did with the The Baroness (and Punisher) in past Hasbro Deluxe releases. The debate is wide open! What Dreadnok will be King of the Hill and be crowned the Most Wanted – That’s up to you to decide!
Join us after the jump for the first round of Wanted Dead or Alive Dreadnok Royal Rumble!
The Final Twelve! A New Batch of Figures From The GI Joe Collector’s Club!
At JoeCon’s end the Club had one more surprise up it’s sleeve. They’re calling it the Final Twelve! Thanks to rfarrel22 and 13thwarrior for the details.
We will get you official pictures as soon as they are made available.
Slaughter’s Marauders Barbecue
Slaughter’s Marauders Low Light
‘Black Spider Rendezvous’ Adventure Team leader
Coils o’ Doom – new Scottish bad guy (in green, somehow tied to Crimson Asp)
Sonic Fighters Dodger
Sonic Fighters Cobra Viper
Sonic Fighters Falcon
Sonic Fighters Road Pig
Tiger Force (European) Hit ‘n Run
Tiger Force (European) Psyche-out
Tiger Force (European) Tunnel Rat
Tiger Force (European) Blizzard
As well as Ninja Force Zartan with Doom Cycle and a 3 pack of Female Cobra Night Stalkers!
G.I.Joe Redemption Custom Project Recap
The G.I.Joe Redemption project from the PHX Customs crew has come and gone and it goes without saying that the team has hit another grand slam home run!
For the last three summers, the team at PHXCustoms (bucky, Dusty79, Oreobuilder and more recently DanoftheDead) have presented their little Joe-verse that they call GI Joe: Resurgence. Since 2014, it has grown in scope to include not only custom figures and vehicles, but packaging mock-ups, artwork and story lines recounted through the file cards. In 2016, PHX Customs concluded their first trilogy with a massive battle at Cobra Mountain that saw Cobra Commander defeated and most of Cobra captured and fractured. Following the roll out of Resurgence 3, the team felt like they needed a break. However, they couldn’t resist coming back to their Joe-verse for a short story that would introduce the next chapter of the Resurgence saga coming in 2018.
Below is a re-cap of what was shared throughout the course of the project, but do yourself a favor…make sure to join us after the break to see even more images of these awesome customs!
- Day 1: The Leaders – Mercer & Major Bludd
- Day 2: The Consultants – Storm Shadow & Dusty
- Day 3: The New Team pt. 1 – Headcase, Echo & Siren
- Day 4: The New Team pt. 2 – Discharge, Ghost Bear & Road Pig
- Day 5: The Enemy – Calavera & Firefly
- Day 6: The Enemy Army – Skull Squad Trooper & Skull Vipers 3 Pack
- Day 7: G.I.Joe Special Forces Convention 3 Pack – Wreckage, Sabre Tooth & Grey Hound
- Day 8: The Weapons Attendee Vehicle – G.I.Joe Sparrowhawk with Raven & Skull Raider with Lt. Clay Moore
- Day 9: Cobra Mercenaries 2 Pack – Zandar & Widowmaker
- Day 10: The Endgame – Cobra Skull Crusher with Rip-It & Scar-Face Parachute Figure