The latest G.I. Joe Collector’s Club newsletter mentions a parachute drop to be conducted at G.I. Joe Con 2009:
“It will be a spectacular sight watching over 300 special edition 12”Crimson Guard Troopers parachute 42 floors! Be there to catch
one of them as they may go as far as a 1/4 mile away! Make sure
you are on hand to witness this one time event on Friday morning!”
Could these figures be the same as the 12″ Crimson Guard figure that we showed not too long ago? Click on the thumbnail to the left to take a closer look!
- Picture 3
"To celebrate the G.I. Joe brand’s 45th Anniversary, Hasbro has granted the G.I. Joe Collectors’ Club a special edition of the 25th Anniversary sculpt 3 3/4” figures for the return of the Crimson Strike Team These convention exclusive versions of the Crimson Twins, Baroness and a set of twelve “army builder” style Cobra Vipers will once again appear in their unique crimson deco. Each fan favorite comes with their classic weapons and accessories in this exciting 2009 fifteen figure boxed set!"
Just read this email also. Thats why those Crimson twins are poppong up on ebay. I am sure this set will be as popular as the 2002. I still cant afford that one.
i just recieved the con brochure from the gijoe collectors club. apparently we will be getting another crimson strike team, only done in 25th style. i don't think a lot of us are surprized. apparently, the red colored twins are in the set. not sure how i feel about this yet.
i would post the brochure, but, i'm not sure if i can.
I've posted a link to it in the thread discussing the figures just a few moments ago. I would think it's ok to do so, since they've mailed it out to even non-officer level members.
Just got mine as well.
I'm a little dissapointed, but the set looks like it will be cool. And it will be 25th style!
I think its a good idea since the 2002 set was so popular. I will get this one, much better than last years for sure.
well, here it is again:
i'm game, it should be a good set! at least the rubberbands won't blow up this year.
Also just realized this:
• Each convention set is VERY limited this year. The Crimson Strike Team is an edition of only 500 sets and the Eight Legs of Danger is limited to only 300 sets!
Awesome! I like it. I just pray to god that they use the fixed Viper hands and they have the chrome helmets, but probably not.
Keep reading: G.I. Joe Collectors Convention Exclusives... - Page 2
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