HISS Tank.com has just received new images from unitedwell923 of new G.I. Joe Rise of Cobra repaints, as well as some previously seen figures, such as the Modern Era Lamprey & Range Viper. This new set of images includes a new Storm Shadow repaint, that has colors reminiscent of the Valor VS Venom version of Storm Shadow. Could this figure come with the modified backpack w/slots for hookswords & 2-section staff that the G.I. Joe Resolute comic pack training Snake Eyes was pictured with?
Also pictured is the Duke repaint that is rumored to be Barrel Roll, Reactive Impact Armor Duke, Scarlett, a repaint of the M.A.R.S. Officer, Heavy Duty(desert repaint), Ice Viper(black visor, is this a variant?), & the Paris Pursuit versions of Snake Eyes & Storm Shadow.
Click on the title bar to see all of these images!
Shin Densetsu says
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Cold Slither says
Heavy Duty looks like a mutant.
Zoltron says
Heavy Duty sure is fat.
Range Viper looks cool.
I want that Lamprey! I want that Lamprey! If only it had the visor/helmet.
The rest I'm passing on.
dgnr82 says
Awesome, the movie isn't even out yet and we are already getting tons of repaints. And whats up with some of them? The have oversized legs or heads or is it just me?
Shin Densetsu says
Dig the Storm Shadow repaint, looks like a mix of G.I. Joe VS Cobra Storm Shadow & Venom VS Valor Storm Shadow. I'm surprised I didn't think about that a while back, the coattails are fitting for the latter design.
Troynos says
I like the Storm Shadow. It's gotta be the angle of the picture, but Heavy Duty looks horrible and fat.
I've seen pictures of that figure before that didn't look like that.
Syn3sthesia says
Range Viper is on point!
Yeah Heavy D is more like Mega Marines Mutants or a TNMT.
Zoltron says
Warrant Officer Flint says
They are all ok but HD looks like a fat/short troll, lol.
Shin Densetsu says
Heavy Duty does look fat in these photos. The reactive armor version doesn't look that way, thankfully.
If this Storm Shadow has the VVV backpack, that would be cool, stores 4 weapons!
Keep reading: New ROC Repaints & New Images! - Page 2
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