HISS Tank.com boards member comes through with all new images of figures that we’ve only seen listings of before, as well all new figures!
Shown in this set of images are:
- Kamakura
- Red Fang Ninja
- Night Adder
- Nano Viper
- Flash
- Crimson Neo Viper
Click on the title bar to see more!
toyssir898 says
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toyssir898 says
I am selling below stuff:
2009 Gijoe movie figures snake eye,strom shaow etc.
2009 Gijoe movie figures wave I & Prototype Vehicles
Dawg99 says
sweet pics thanx
the 1st 3 guys are wicked
Irid70 says
Really like the mix of parts on Kamakura, excepting his weapons, and those are easily replaced. Love the reactive armor chest with the ninja head and arms.
It's gonna be a rainbow of vipers!
The Commander says
Kamakura, aka generic GI Joe ninja!
Troynos says
Kamakura and the Dog Handler kick major ass.
The Red Neo-Viper looks like some kind of Firefighter.
[email protected] says
Looks like the one with the dog uses the resolute roadblock body. Looks cool but I hope we still see roadblock down the line
Outbackk says
I can't wait to see all the "HUGE PROJECTILE ROC GUN LOTS" after these toys come out!
Jmacq1 says
Mrf, can't see the pics.
DaViper says
the dog handler is nice, I really like the head sculpt on that guy. What with the disk launcher thingy majig?! The more I look at flash, I see resolute Firefly.
Keep reading: The photo for Kamakura,neo viper1,Night Adder,Ninja etc. - Page 2
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