Check out high-res images of G.I. Joe Collectors Club membership figure Cross Country.
His real name is Robert M. Blais, and his rank is that of sergeant E-5. Cross-Country was born in Greensboro, North Carolina.
Cross-Country’s primary military specialty is armor, and his secondary military specialty is heavy equipment operator. His father was a bulldozer operator, and his mother drove a grader, therefore he had a natural affinity for heavy machinery, coupled with an uncanny sense of direction and fearlessness under fire.
Check out all the new G.I. Joe Cross Country images after the jump.
Just a heads up to all of you Club Members out there, I received my Loose Cross Country in the mail this morning! Pictures in the box included for verification.
Great figure, glad to have him in my collection!
Couldn't find a thread about the non-carded figures, if one exists, mods please merge.
Front page!
Looks great. Looking forward to mine.
Great figure... Last year, Iceberg was shipped to foreign territories after the US figures went out. Guess it'll be a while before mine turns up.
It's hard to tell in the pic, but did they end up not adding the blue to the belt buckle? The original mock up had is belt buckle look like a Confederate flag, but the recent pics appear to look like the original figure with white stripes instead of blue.
Yee Haw!
Okay... typically those in and around Texas get them first, then the majority of us get them the next day... just asking so I can check my mail box.
I have other items arriving tomorrow, so it'll be a good day!
Keep reading: Loose Bagged Cross Country Arriving - Page 2
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