NJCC is proud to announce our huge Transformers Combiner Wars giveaway promotion for our 2016 Spring show. Five complete sets of Transformers Combiner Wars will be up for grabs as door prizes.
- Menasor
- Bruticus
- Defensor
- Sky Reign
- G2 Menasor Gift Set
When and Where Is The Next New Jersey Collectors Con?
Holiday Inn Cherry Hill – New Jersey
2175 West Marlton Pike (Rt. 70), Cherry Hill, NJ 08002
Sunday, April 3rd 2016!
Join us on FaceBook New Jersey Collectors Con
Dealer Registration Is now open for the April 3rd 2016 Spring NJCC! Vendors should contact [email protected] for more information…..
Captain Chunk says
Can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!
This will be my first time there setting up. Will have lots of Joe stuff. Bring your parts list.
We are now sold out of tables in the main hall and lobby. We have expanded the show to get a few more dealers into the side meeting rooms and the hallway leading to those rooms. There is Very Limited Space still available. If you want a table for the April 3rd show please do not wait to get your reservation in.
Thanks for all the support NJCC Dealers!
Our first two door prizes!
NJCC Door Prize Announcement Marvel Legends Edge of Spider-Verse And Civil War - HissTank.com
Ike Carr says
I see my Halloween display will be adding to its ranks with Morbius, and Jack'O'Lantern III. And maybe even the Ben Reilly/Spider-Man II/Spider-Carnage figure.
Captain Chunk says
A month away. Don't forget to come on out. Its an awesome show for joes and other toys. I will be setting up for the first time. I usually just go to buy. This time I figured I thought I would give selling a try and to get rid of extra stuff. Will have lots of parts, complete figures, and complete vehicles. Some filecards, blueprints, and others things like battle ribbons, micro figs, and rings. I do trade if you have something I want and I do buy things I need so that is something to think about to. Hope to you see you there.
Captain Chunk says
Not too far out. This Sunday. Come on Out. It will be a great show and it sounds like it will be the biggest one yet. It is usually jam packed by 9am. Great door prizes too.
C.I.A.D. says
FFS, I really need to make it to this show sometime.
Hellion42 says
darthjones says
I'd like to thank Fran, His Crew, and BFS (of course) , all the GREAT Attendees. I would also like to thank ALL Customers @ my Table today. Thank You in helping me Get my Stuff to a Good Home I ALWYAS say this is this BEST TOY SHOW Period. Great to see everybody, hang, talk, and buy / sell / trade toys. See u guys In the Summer
Full Thread: NJCC April 3rd 2016 Action Figure Toy Show Details!
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