Enjoy Serpentor G.I. Joe Classified PulseCon Exclusive Official High-Res Images Serpentor will be a Pulse Con exclusive and will be a preorder with the intent of having him in-hand by the end of 2022.
by DESTRO under G.I. Joe Classified, G.I. Joe Conventions
Enjoy Serpentor G.I. Joe Classified PulseCon Exclusive Official High-Res Images Serpentor will be a Pulse Con exclusive and will be a preorder with the intent of having him in-hand by the end of 2022.
HAPPY NEW YEAR! I just made this thread because I'm such a narcissist that I wanted to look at this throughout the year knowing that I'm the one who made it. Below is the link to last year's thread.
G.I. JOE Classified 2021 Official Thread https://www.hisstank.com/forum/g-i-j...al-thread.html
Anyway, since variants of popular characters are inevitable it would be cool if a future wave was an "Unmasked Wave," in which we got a disfigured Snake Eyes, an unmasked COBRA Commander, Destro, Beachhead, Shockwave, and unmasked army builders. Also, can we finally get a dedicated G.I. JOE Classified Series forum this year?
Unmasked disfigured Snake Eyes would be very sick. I would love Snakeeyes in the LRRP Vietnam war era fatigues pre-disfigurement, but that would be too good to be true.
And him, Stalker and Storm Shadow in a 3-pack, all in Nam garb and gear, would be incredibly awesome.
I’d be all for a Classified Classified figure. I thought that was a great inclusion in the later parts of the ‘O’ring era. I’ll take a Tommy Arashikage in fatigues too.
I think it is time for Hasbro to give us a proper unmasked, disfigured Snake Eyes head.
Another thing I really want to see a lot of in 2022 is muzzle flash accessories.
Hasbro are probably wary of offending people with facial disfigurements, so may never see a disfigured Snake Eyes, but Vietnam-era Snake Eyes (along with Stalker and Storm Shadow... hell, throw Wade Collins in there, as well) would be damn cool.
I'm old school, I don't think Snake Eyes' face should ever be seen.
Just nabbed another Bat on Amazon for $22 just now.
Keep reading: G.I. JOE Classified Series Official Thread 2022 - Page 2
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