Just a quick note, we’ve upgraded our site’s look and feel a bit today, the 3rd major revision since launching 5 years ago!
No major functionality change, just a fresh coat of paint. Let us know what you think, or report any bugs and issues, in our Discussion thread by hitting the button below.
Edit – Due to some good reminiscing by folks on the boards, they reminded me that we did have another skin in the mix over the years, although only for a brief moment in time. So technically – this is HissTank 4.0! Check out that discussion here.
Enjoy, later!
- hisstank 30 01
HissTank 3.0 is live.
We've thrown a new coat of paint on the place here, hope you like it. Use this thread to let us know what you think!
If you see anything broken etc, let us know here too. Enjoy!
its cool
Live and FABULOUS!!!!!!!
i like it.
This going to take some getting used to
There's a whole lotta red and blue going on ....
sweet, is it a variant? i'm putting hisstank on ebay, get it while it's hot, lol.
I fear change.
I like it
Keep reading: Hiss Tank Skin Upgrade Live! - Page 2
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