When it comes to Hasbro, no one knows what lies behind the Masquerade? (Well, except maybe the TFW Network.)
Back in last December, our sister site ToyArk revealed that Hasbro has applied for several M. A. S. K. (Mobile Armored Strike Kommand) related Trademarks at the United States Patent & Trademark Office. The story went viral among famous entertainment news websites. Jump to February 2015: Out of nowhere a rumor appeared stating that the Crimson Guard and Matt Trakker from M. A. S. K. is set to appear in G. I. Joe 3.
Jump to the present day: The TFW2005 Staff was covering the Hasbro Financial Call for Q2 2015 earlier today, and a slide regarding the company overview was available prior to the presentation (included after the jump) which quickly made us spill our drinks.
Hasbro has confirmed that they are indeed working on the M. A. S. K. property. It was mentioned as a new and upcoming project (new to the current generation). We should not foget that this year is the 30th Anniversary of the brand. However, the company was tight-lipped about this new project during the presentation. It took eight months but we now have the final confirmation that we will indeed see something out of the ’80s property.
What do you think of this new development? Would Hasbro pull off a Marvel or DC and include M.A.S.K on an expansion of the Cinematic Universe as a part of G. I. Joe 3? Sound off on the thread associated with this news post. Don’t forget to visit TFW2005 and ToyArk later for more information.
News Post: Hasbro Reveals That They Are Working On M. A. S. K.
Awesome, I would love to see Mask get a reboot, even if it's just a limited assortment.
With all the recent two inch lines being released this was just a matter of time. I think even if done moderately well a Mask movie would be a hit at the box office. IMO Mask is a much easier sell to kids these days, and with CGI you don't have to have a solid story just cool effects. Like the Transformers
Uh, no, you have to have a solid story. Phantom Menace had cool effects without a solid story and we ended up with enough unsold Jar Jars to fill Beggar's Canyon. Considering how much the movies have actually RUINED the G.I. Joe brand for both fans and general retail consumers, Hasbro should keep M.A.S.K. out of the movies and just do toys, perhaps with a new cartoon. Don't Transformer it up either...the only transforming robot in the line should be T-Bob.
I would be all over a new M.A.S.K. line with aesthetics similar to the '80s line in the original scale or upsized to 3.75" scale. Just stay away from the leather fetish gear Rise of Cobra aesthetics.
Seeing this just made my day! I would love to see new MASK product. I've had my 25th Anniversary Matt Trakker on the shelf with the other Joes since it was released and have been hoping for more ever since. I'd be all for figures, vehicles, accessories...whatever! Especially in 3 3/4-inch scale and with standard GI Joe quality.
MASK 3.75" figures! I would love to get some and hope they do Miles Mayhem. I wouldn't mind if body parts of the Joe line can be use to fit the character. It would of been nice if they can make new parts like the new head sculpts by BFS whatever. I hope hasbro didn't forget about the fans of GI Joe and Star Wars 3.75" scale line. It would of been nice if hasbro work on COPS N CROOKS line.
This is awesome news! I just hope it is a classic type line where the toys are based on the originals.
Finally some actual news and not more speculation!!! If these turn out br be awesome(fingers crossed) I am going to sell all my joes!
Yes!!! Now my past 5 years of preaching to my 8 year old the great toys we had in the 80's may have some relief in sight. The best news I've heard so far this week.
This does pose a question though, are we going to see the original scale figures, or the 1/16 scale figures??? Inquiring minds want to know.
Actually though, the figures may not matter much. The vehicles themselves would be the "thing," and figures of around 2" would probably keep the cost of the vehicles down enough for them to be sold at a viable pricepoint.
I suspect that kids would go for a MASK line that really plays on the transforming aspect of the original line, but Hasbro's designers will have to be pretty clever. I don't think another half-assed Thunderhawk would fly today; instead the "jet mode" would have to actually resemble a jet rather than just a car with it's gull-wing doors open. I also suspect the vehicle-into-another-vehicle transformation may not be enough. Kids apparently dig robots, and they dig transforming robots even more, so a new MASK toy line should probably be more like Transformers you can put figures in, rather than vehicles that turn into another vehicle. That's just my gut talking though. However, I have noticed that recent examples of vehicle toys that have another vehicle mode don't seem to be selling especially well...for instance, Mattel's cartoon Batmobiles are hitting clearance as we speak.
I also wonder if MASK could be a good brand to incorporate some building block aspects into action figure play. Like, maybe, the playsets are building block sets and the vehicles feature attachment points for certain building block pieces that facilitate "customization."
IDK, I'm not a toy company exec, but I do know that these execs have got to start thinking outside of the ol' toybox.
Keep reading: Hasbro Reveals That They Are Working On M. A. S. K. - Page 2
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