In case you haven’t heard, the Animal Warriors of the Kingdom Kickstarter Campaign has officially funded thanks to backers like you! We’ll finally be able to bring these awesome fighting critters to the front lines of our collections! There’s still 6 days left to the campaign and a TON of stretch goals to get to, so let’s make it happen!
Speaking of stretch goals, check out the latest reveal from the #AWOK project – the Mighty Chunari Ultra! Battle-hardened beasts that are a great equalizer against the overwhelming forces of the Horrid! Practically a walking tank, these soldiers not only raise the morale of the troops they often turn the tide and snatch victory from the jaws of defeat! (Will include one weapon, shown in a later update)
Congrats once again to our friends at Spero Studios for their successful campaign! Are you joining in, or have you already? Either way, share your thoughts on the Chunari Ultra Gorilla after the break!