At JoeCon’s end the Club had one more surprise up it’s sleeve. They’re calling it the Final Twelve! Thanks to rfarrel22 and 13thwarrior for the details.
We will get you official pictures as soon as they are made available.
Slaughter’s Marauders Barbecue
Slaughter’s Marauders Low Light
‘Black Spider Rendezvous’ Adventure Team leader
Coils o’ Doom – new Scottish bad guy (in green, somehow tied to Crimson Asp)
Sonic Fighters Dodger
Sonic Fighters Cobra Viper
Sonic Fighters Falcon
Sonic Fighters Road Pig
Tiger Force (European) Hit ‘n Run
Tiger Force (European) Psyche-out
Tiger Force (European) Tunnel Rat
Tiger Force (European) Blizzard
As well as Ninja Force Zartan with Doom Cycle and a 3 pack of Female Cobra Night Stalkers!