Kicken’ that Chicken! It’s all about getting them horses made! Cannons, Horses, Cobra Cowboys and more!
Our newest KS campaign is designed/planned to finally get the steel tooling cut and produce the long-awaited Dime Novel Legends Horses! To that end, our initial funding goal is set to cover the production of the first horse, with all the gear you see in the individual images and as shown/noted in the pledge rewards and stretch goals, as well as a Cavalry Saddle option.
You may be aware that we have had the digital assets for the ponies completed and ready for a little over FOUR years and have tried to get these figures to you once before, so we are excited to slot them into a campaign as the headline focus and finally get these giddy-ups into your hands. Follow along, share it around, and let’s all work together to bring these fine equine exemplars to market!
Dime Novel Legends Horses Back This Project Here!
The production of HORSE and VEHICLE rewards for this campaign will be manufactured by our second factory (Gold Wing) and is their first large project for us. They have already completed the PREVIEW FIGURE for our new lineup Weird Western Tales (Radioactive Crash Site Intruder) and just finished production on our first WWT regular offering, the Cowboy Kringle Lassoes a Krampus 2 pack, and are beginning the first Cop-N-Crooks figure: Marshal Sundown. This factory is well versed in all aspects of manufacturing, and is a regular partner of Fresh Monkey Fiction (Eagle Force), The Four Horsemen (Mythic Legions), D13 Toys (Biblical Adventures), and more. We have very high expectations of the capabilities of this factory to meet deadlines and all established production values set by our existing products. Human figure assets from this KS will be completed at our first factory, as the tooling for almost all those assets is already cut and situated there.
As with all campaigns, in addition to the primary funding goal, there will be add-ons, and stretch goals available to provide incentive for Backers to pledge and unlock more items for everyone to particpate in. This campaign will do the same, and the process is simple:
Make your initial pledge for one of our levels, then add the cost of any unlocked stretch goal that caught your eye to your pledge dollar amount. ex: $25 pledge reward level + $5 add-on = $30 total pledge amount.
Add-On Cow-BRUH! figures are available with any pledge!
You will allocate those funds at the end of the campaign, once the Chicken Fried Toys site is set up to do so and can choose any extra item(s) at that time. Pledge funding for those reward items will already be collected by Kickstarter.
Postage for your rewards will NOT be charged at the end of the campaign, rather you will need to pay postage for all your items at one time during the allocation for fulfillment process. This streamlines and simplifies combined ordering for rewards and add-ons after the campaign is over.
Here’s a BIG bonus for you EARLY Backers: IF we reach full initial funding ($75K) within the first 24 hours, every backer will receive the “FREE” figure: Walks-Two-Worlds. You only pay the shipping (if any additional is needed) for a single copy, and not until allocation is completed on the Chicken Fried Toys site. This Cow-BRUH! related character was created especially for this campaign. Remember, pledge early because no money is collected until the campaign ends. When Walks-Two-Worlds is unlocked, you will be able to purchase additional copies during allocation.