To all my fellow Tankers who were on the hunt these last 2 weeks (and this morning) but did not score, I apologize for this gallery. I also did not find any in the wild, these figures come from an eBay purchase made after week 1 of the street date fiasco at a significant mark up. The time, mental stress and gas money needed to stay ahead of others to actually get lucky and find these things in the two weeks they were not actually supposed to be sold was not worth it, so I gave in.
Based on what happened this morning – no stock available because it all sold prior to today, and the online orders just being the ability to buy the items in your local stores for pick up, that don’t have any because they sold prior to today, would have made me pop an eye. I don’t blame any fan, or even scalpers, for hunting and scooping. This is a result of Hasbro and Target doing things the way they did. Underestimating demand, poor roll out methods, inability to cater to the collector market by large non-focused retailers, etc etc.
Personally, whenever things I collect are out in the wild, I want them. ASAP. I don’t like waiting. Once one civilian anywhere in the world with a camera (aka everyone) shows that they have an item, I want it. Waiting for weeks or months for it to filter out to retail, or waiting for another print run months later – not cool. It actually makes me dip out of collecting lines. I want to buy, open, experience the item, and then come online and talk about and share pics of that item with my fellow collectors that ALSO have those items. I don’t want to be first because I bought from eBay or China, and I don’t want to be doing this in March of next year when half the fandom is done with these figures, when they are buried on a shelf behind wave 2/3/4 already. We should all be able to enjoy these figures in real time, now. The “Water Cooler Effect” applied to TV shows of the 00s, applies to modern fandom collecting, and it’s being killed by the way things are done industry wide.
I actually held off sharing these pics because I didn’t want to piss off others like me who couldn’t find them. Waited for today, the almighty “street date” of 8/14, hoping that the situation in stores or online would make things better. Did not, made things worse. And unless something is put out on the wire today by Hasbro, it won’t be better. So again, I apologize. If you are pissed, let Hasbro know. Hopefully they can adjust things in the future, and figure a way to get us Cobra Troopers without going in and out of 200 stores over the course of weeks – during a pandemic.
Now that my salt shaker has cracked open all over the front page, let me clean up and get back to business. Read on to check out our gallery for the Cobra Island figures. 183 shots for Cobra Trooper, Beach Head and Roadblock are available after the break along with some quick thoughts on each.
Make sure to check our previous galleries for G.I. Joe Classified here. We will also be updating the HissTank Database with base shots for each figure too.
G.I. Joe Classified Cobra Island Exclusive Cobra Trooper, Beach Head and Roadblock
Cobra Trooper
Perfection. Updated take on the evil grunt. Modern tactical with a dash of tech. Good way to mix up display options with the removable helmet and goggles, armband for officer rank. I would have bought 6 without blinking. I really hope they offer solid cases of this in a way where we don’t have to jump through hoops later on. Take orders, then print. Please.
Beach Head
Also a great update. I was never partial to him in vintage or 25th, so I can’t argue the specifics being right or not – but at arms length he looks like Beach Head and is a well crafted action figure. Sharp mold, colors match OG in spirit. Beret has existed in lore, and if you don’t like it – remove it! All green weapons – silly. Was silly in the original line, and is now. Let’s stop that. Bottom line, a great addition to the Joe Classified line up.
Unnecessary right now. Too soon. If they called him Heavy Duty and gave him a new weapon, immediately worth a look. It isn’t a horrible figure, the alt head is well done and I think better than V1. Glasses are cool. More real world colors on the boots work. This would have been a good filler figure down the road when filler figures were needed and warranted. Right now, if any are peg warming, it’s two versions of Roadblock.
Overall, solid set of figures. Based on the previews, Baroness looks to be as well. As does everything else shown but not out. This line is fire, I’m super happy and pumped it’s happening, and at the same time completely bummed and stressed about actually getting them in a timely fashion.
Check out some key shots here, and over 180 pics below in gallery format. Good luck on the hunt for those still looking!
Let's use this thread to actually talk about the figures. Keep the other one for rightfully bitching about the cluster farkery.

Full set, 180+ pics:
Cobra Trooper, Beach Head, and Roadblock – Cobra Island G.I. Joe Classified In-Hand Gallery (Sorry)
And finally - The Baroness with C.O.I.L.
G.I. Joe Classified Baroness and C.O.I.L. In-Hand Gallery
Excellent photos. I hope these get a second print run in the same packaging. It's almost as if fans have not been asking for these for 10+ years and Hasbro was caught off guard by demand.
If anyone collects Star Wars Black Series or Transformers then you should be aware of Target exclusives. Ive seen plenty of Star Wars Black Series exclusives hit the shelves early and everyone scrambled just to show up months down the line and easy to track down. Same with Transformers. The Seekers 2 pack that just came out was gold. Now I have come across it at multiple stores . Just be patient. I was one that tried to secure some and was hoping this morning there would be plenty of stock. Nope. Roadblock was available for a bit and just saw him in stores but without the others I just said not yet. Beach Head seemed to be available online (received notification) but could not add in cart. I was able to add it really quick and then snagged immediately. I am hoping Target will recieve some new stock. Or maybe Hasbro will put out a Cobra Trooper 2 pack or similar to the Marvel line with Hyrdra/AIM troopers as a Pulse exclusive. If these are not available downt he road I may have to bow out of the G.I. Joe 6 inch line.
Appreciate the sentiment Tony, but no apology needed. Respect your commitment and admire the hell out of your photography and posing talents.
Quick thoughts: BH's green guns I actually hate less than I thought I would, but they're gonna get their asses replaced (expect for the crossbow, of course). I can't any flaws in CT and the display options are fantastic. RB...honestly I think I would have bought if he didn't have that dumbass ear gadget. So much more personality in this one as compared to V1. Agree that they should have waited to release as filler or re-branded as Heavy Duty.
No need to apologize
I agree with you. I hate waiting. Great read and I am glad I did not get into the 6inch line. Feels like the 25th Wave 1 - 4 Fiasco back in 2007. Hasbro still has not figured out that there is Joe fan out there, and when done right, will sell out like this.
Tony, I really appreciate your commentary on this debacle, and you have nothing over-which to apologize, you have not made anything worse, in my estimation. The pics are great, thank you for sharing them.
Was able to purchase one Beach head and one cobra trooper at a target in Mansfield Ohio They had them behind the front service desk and had a limit of one character per guest which i understand but @ the same time
First come first served should have taken place and another collector and i were the only ones in the store @ 8:00 and were both willing to be adults about it and not argue or be douches to each other i want like 6 cobra troopers i have 3 now 2 from 3 weeks ago i was lucky enough to snag and the 1 from today would have liked another beachhead as well for parts etc guess maybe ill find 1 later I will still continue to collect this line Since I have loved G.I. Joe for almost 40 years ...Hope everybody that didn’t find anything isn’t too bitter and will push for this line to be better stocked distributed etc .. YOOOOO JOE ....
Keep reading: HissTank's G.I. Joe Classified Cobra Island Galleries - Page 2
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